Results 16600-16610 of 17180
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CDS Making a Move
May 31, 2002
While no deals have been signed, the furious maneuvering to see what will happen to LPC Group's publisher clients in its Chapter 11 restructuring appears to be drawing to a conclusion.
Two New Titles in Two Weeks
May 31, 2002
In the past two weeks Image Comics has snapped up two promising independently published comic series.
And Those Orders Were P.S. (Pre-Spider-Man)
May 29, 2002
Comic and graphic novel orders (dollars) ended up 19% in the second quarter vs. 2001, continuing the accelerating trend that began in the second half of last year.
But Threes the Charm
May 29, 2002
Initial piece orders from comic stores on the top comic titles were weaker in June, with orders dropping on seventeen of the top 25 titles.
Dark Horse Shops Grendel
May 29, 2002
Comics2film, which has to be one of the busiest sites on the Internet these days, is reporting that the Disney studio has given the green light to an adaptation of Matt Wagner's Mage .
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
May 29, 2002
Estimated quantities for initial orders on graphic novels shipping in June 2002 from pop culture stores ordering from Diamond US.
Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
May 29, 2002
Estimated quantities for initial orders on comics shipping in June 2002 from pop culture stores ordering from Diamond US.
Cutting Marvel Info Not the Answer
May 28, 2002
Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey reacted to the recent discussion on ICv2 of returnable Marvels through Ingram by sending this missive on Marvel's strategies.
Street Date is No Big Deal
May 28, 2002
Mark Amoroso of Blackthorn Gamecenter in Dickson, Tennessee saw our recent article on Ingram comic service and was prompted to write about his experience with Ingram.
New History of Undergrounds
May 28, 2002
Fantagraphics has announced the September release of Rebel Visions: The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1972 by Patrick Rosenkranz.
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