The Bad News and the Good News
August 10, 2020
The numbers give us a clue to the major upheaval on the list of the top 20 kids graphic novels in the book channel.
'Avatar: The Last Airbender - Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy'
July 29, 2020
Dark Horse Comics revealed Avatar: The Last Airbender - Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy, a graphic novel spin-off from Nickelodeon's Avatar: The Last Airbender series, for release on February 16, 2021.
Geek TV Round-Up
July 23, 2020
As the virtual version of San Diego Comic-Con kicks off, we clear the decks with a roundup of geek TV news.
Sales Estimates for Full Year 2019 Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
January 21, 2020
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during the full year 2019.
Sales Estimates for December Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
January 20, 2020
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during December 2019.
'Watchmen' and Lots of Batman, Lots of Shonen Jump, and a Mixed Bag of Author Titles
November 15, 2019
Breaking adult graphic novels into three sub-groups reveals a strong showing for Watchmen and lots of Batman titles and lots of Shonen Jump titles.
'Watchmen' Driving Big Numbers
November 15, 2019
Let's bring the numbers into our look at the Top 20 Author, Manga, and Superhero Graphic Novels in the book channel.
Sales Estimates for October Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
November 11, 2019
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during October 2019.
Batman, Batman, Batman!
October 21, 2019
Lots of Batman, lots of Shonen Jump, and lots of familiar creator-owned titles.
There's Something About Batman…
October 21, 2019
The two Batman books at the top of the Superhero chart really pushed the numbers up.