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Scheduling Hurt Us
July 6, 2004
John Riley of Grasshopper's Comics in Williston Park, Long Island (in business since 1992) found that the date made this year's Free Comic Book Day a tougher sell.
Jamie Boardman Will Oversee 2000 AD Props
February 24, 2003
Rebellion has named Jamie Boardman as the editor for its line of graphic novels that will feature characters and comics from 2000 AD.
We Need a Marvel Kid's Comic
December 8, 2002
Darin Batten of All Star Comics and Games in Mishawaka, Indiana saw Timothy Davis' plea for comics for kids, and Brian Hibbs' response, and expressed his desire for a Marvel kid's comic.
Including Associated Articles
November 17, 2008
ICv2's popular monthly Top 300 Comics and Top 300 Graphic Novel lists have now been archived for your convenience.
DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho
August 6, 2002
Viz Communications has announced its lineup for the American edition of Shonen Jump and there is a strong TV connection evident in the choice of material for the magazine, which makes sense given Viz's goal of attaining mass market success with a circulation of one million in two years.
Spidey and LOTR
February 25, 2002
The good news is that ToyBiz action figures are getting better and better thanks to new high tech imaging equipment and an increasing willingness to hire top sculptors, but the bad news is that the first wave of Spider-Man Movie Action Figures showed up in Wal-Mart (and reportedly, in Toys R Us) a month before other channels.
Holiday Releases Dominate Top 10 Cool
December 26, 2001
New products dominated the Top 10 Cool lists this month, as strong new releases timed for the holidays pushed aside older ones.
Toy Biz Sales Down Sharply
February 27, 2001
Marvel's dismal fourth quarter performance capped off a very bad year, which saw the company's net sales decline from $319 million to $231 million.
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