Results 1570-1577 of 1577
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Rules Consolidation in RPGs Continues
April 18, 2001
Sovereign Stone , a fantasy-roleplaying world created by artist Larry Elmore and fleshed out fictionally by the best-selling novelists Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, is abandoning its current game-playing system in favor of the d20 system, which has been made available to third party creators by Wizards of the Coast.
Basic Info about Kenzer and Company
April 9, 2001
Company profile for Kenzer and Company, publisher of fantasy based gaming products and comic books.
Free Love, Libel Charges, and Collectibility Gone Mad!
March 25, 2001
Sometimes the pop culture products industry gets pretty wild and woolly, and last week was such a time, with three stories in different venues providing some diversion from our regularly scheduled programming.
Harry Potter, Star Wars, Sports and More
March 25, 2001
Wizards of the Coast announced an ambitious slate of products for 2001 at the Gama show held in Las Vegas this week.
Pulp Fiction RPG Due This Summer
March 8, 2001
White Wolf has announced that Warren Ellis, the writer of The Authority, Planetary , and Transmetropolitan for DC's Vertigo line has signed on to write for White Wolf's pulp fiction role-playing game, Adventure , which will debut this summer.
WoTC OKs Use of Setting
February 20, 2001
White Wolf's small press publishing affiliate, Arthaus Inc. has acquired the rights to publish extensions of the Ravenlof t campaign setting using the new D20 Dungeons & Dragons Rules published by Wizards of the Coast.
2000 Flicks Fail To Flog the Schwag
February 6, 2001
Without a Star Wars or even a Blair Witch Project to spur sales in 2000, licensed movie merchandise purchases plummeted precipitously.
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