MorrisonCon and Fabletown
August 30, 2012
Two cons this fall are decidedly focused in nature.
September Launches Will Be Returnable
August 4, 2012
DC execs told ICv2 that the 4 new September comics will be returnable.
From ICv2's 'Internal Correspondence' #79
July 26, 2012
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 10 Genre Properties" reflects sales in all channels for Spring 2012.
Gay Characters, Creator Rights, New Projects
July 26, 2012
We talk about gay characters, creator rights, and new projects.
New Readers, Momentum, Title Counts, Digital
July 26, 2012
We talk about new readers, momentum, title counts, and digital.
Due in 2013--Here's Gaiman's Comic-Con Video
July 12, 2012
The video and the skinny on the new Sandman drawn by J.H.Williams.
DC on Nook, in Stores
June 27, 2012
DC has confirmed that B&N has resumed offering DC graphic novels.
Settlement Terms Are Confidential
June 18, 2012
Stan has settled the POW! dispute, but the Stan Lee Media suit goes on.
Eric Stephenson on What's Unique about Image
May 15, 2012
Image's Stephenson on the company's uniqueness.
This One Involves POW! Entertainment
May 3, 2012
The reverse merger of POW! Entertainment is at the center of the dispute.