Ghost Rider, the Marvel comics-based film starring Nicholas Cage, topped the box office for the second straight week taking in an estimated $19.7 million, a 56.6% drop from its opening weekend's 3-day total of $44.5 million.  While a few years ago any drop-off of more than 50% was considered a sign of great weakness, the bar has been raised a full 10% thanks to increasingly potent marketing that drives audiences to the opening weekend.  Ghost Rider's $78.6 million total take has already surpassed the total box office for Constantine (another hell-themed comic book adaptation) and appears as if it will also surpass Daredevil and could well end up in the neighborhood of $120 million. 


With overseas earnings strong so far and a domestic take that could reach $120 million, a sequel to Ghost Rider is an ever-increasing possibility.  Sony's decision not to allow critics to preview the film will also be vindicated if Ghost Rider continues perform as it has during its first two weeks.  Will the critics ever get a pre-release shot at a 'second tier' comic book adaptation?  Probably, but screenings for critics are no longer the sure thing they were in the past.