The Dabel Brothers, who have already produced comic book adaptations of Orson Scott Card's Tales of Alvin Maker: Red Prophet and Wyrms, have announced the spring release of the first issue in a comic book series based on the Enderverse, the realm created in Card's Hugo and Nebula Award winning novels Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead.
The major difference between this project and previous Dabel Brothers' adaptations of OSC's work is that Gold Bug, as this new work will be known, is based on a new 11,000 word story, which will not be published until after the comic book adaptation is published. The new story is set sometime near the conclusion of Ender's Game as Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin arrives on a new colony world as its first governor. The story will be published in prose form as an 'extra' in Marvel's hardcover collection of the first issues of Tales of Alvin Maker: Red Prophet comic books.