ICv2 interviewed game retailers, distributors and publishers for its 2006 market overview published in ICv2 Guide to Games #41, and concluded that the games market stabilized and improved somewhat in 2006 led by growth in collectable card and board game sales.
CCG sales were up an estimated 10-20% while board games sales continued to grow, but at a slower rate than 2005. Overall, industry experts believe 2007 shows good potential in every category except RPGs, which continue to be soft.
This issue of the ICv2 Guide also includes ICv2's best-in-the-business bestseller lists in five game categories, and in this issue changed the 'Unpainted Miniatures' category to 'Non-Collectable Miniature Games' to better reflect product types in the market. Here are the ICv2 Top Fives (longer lists are available in the magazine):
ICv2 Top Five CCGs
2. Magic: The Gathering
3. Pokemon
4. Naruto
5. World of Warcraft
ICv2 Top Five CMGs
1. Star Wars CMG
2. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
3. HeroClix
4. HorrorClix
5. DreamBlade
ICv2 Top Five Non-collectable Miniature Games
1. Warhammer 40,000
2. WarMachine
3. Hordes
4. Warhammer Fantasy Battles
5. Confrontation
ICv2 Top Five Board, Card, and Family Games
1. Settlers of Catan
2. Ticket to Ride
4. World of Warcraft
5. Blokus
ICv2 Top Five RPGs
1. Dungeons & Dragons
2. World of Darkness
3. Exalted
4. Mutants & Masterminds
For info on how to get your copy of the ICv2 Guide to Games #41, with the special interviews, feature articles, the full lists, and much more, see 'ICv2 Releases 'ICv2 Guide to Games' #41.'