The first issue of the revived Howard the Duck comic, written by Steve Gerber and illustrated by Phil Winslade, shipped to retailers this week at approximately 85% of the quantity ordered.  The reason for the short shipment was an error by the printer, who packed the books 250 to the case instead of the normal 300.  This wouldn't have been a problem except someone at the printer forgot that the cases only contained 250 books and sent Diamond's order out as if it were 300 per box.  Marvel has worked things out with the printer so that the remaining 15% of retailers' orders will arrive with next week's shipment on January 30.


Interestingly enough some of us are old enough to remember a similar shortage of the first issues of the original Howard the Duck series back in the 1970s.  Those 'lost, stolen, or strayed' copies that never made it to market helped make the original Howard the Duck comic a very hot item.  It remains to be seen if lightning can strike the same fowl twice.