Topps is planning an extensive print and Internet campaign to promote its Hollywood Zombies Trading Cards, which are set to debut in comic and card shops on June 6th. Topps has just launched a Website dedicated to the satirical cards that feature art by Drew Friedman, Richard Williams, and Mad Magazine's Herman Mejia lampooning the excesses of our celebrity-obsessed culture (see 'Hollywood Zombies From Topps'). A short animated clip on YouTube promotes the brand and directs consumers to the Website where comic and card shop retailers who have pre-ordered the product are listed in a store locator section of the site.
In addition to its Internet efforts, Topps is running print ads for Hollywood Zombies in June on-sale issues of Marvel comics, Wizard and Mad Magazine. Topps is also hoping that the celebrity subject matter of the set will stimulate lots of coverage in the mainstream press. Topps V.P. Ira Friedman told ICv2: 'Our first few pitches (to the mainstream media) have been extremely well received, so we are expecting lots of mass-oriented coverage.' With hobby and specialty stores getting first 'dibs' on the Hollywood Zombies cards, independent retailers should be the primary beneficiaries of Topps' print campaign.