A Paid Advertisement. OTAKU USA Magazine launches today to over 15,000 outlets nationwide. The magazine covers the cutting edge of Japanese pop culture, from manga (Japanese comics) and anime (cartoons based on those comics) to the associated computer games, trading cards, costuming, model making, music and dress. Sales of these products have skyrocketed over the past few years.
'OTAKU USA takes its audience on a tour of the cutting edge in Japanese pop culture. It is a media hybrid, delivering its editorial product across 3 media platforms; part DVD, part print magazine, part website,' says Carl Gnam, editorial director. 'The magazine is oversized, glossy and thick, with a DVD onserted on the cover, an 8 page poster in the center spread, and 32 pages of Japanese Manga printed on newsprint-upside down-in the center of the magazine.
National and international distribution for Otaku is handled by Curtis Circulation, a division of Hachette Distribution Services. The premiere is distributed at every B. Dalton, Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Hastings bookstore nationwide, in addition to the top 700 Blockbuster Video Stores, Target and many other retailers. 'We expect to grow the distribution through the first year of publication,' says Mark Hintz, CEO. 'Second issue distribution will include a special promotion with Safeway Stores.' Sovereign has chosen San Francisco resident Patrick Macias as the editor of Otaku USA.