At Anime Next Del Rey announced two new manga series, one shonen and one shojo, that will debut in the spring of 2008. The shonen series is Suzuhito Yasuda's Yozakura Quartet, the saga of a group of teens with supernatural powers who start up a unique club, The Hizumi Everyday Life Consultation Office in order to preserve the peace of their hometown by hunting down troublemakers. This on-going series (two volumes so far) is serialized in Kodansha's Shonen Sirius magazine.
Del Rey's new shojo series is Machiko Sakurai's Minima, a high school romance/drama with magical overtones. The series' shy, retiring teen heroine spends most of her time and energy on her toy collection. When she buys a super-cute toy named Nikori she gets more than she bargained for -- Nikori can talk and she has a mind of her own.
Both the Yozakura Quartet and Minima are rated 13+.