IGN is reporting that the Megaman Star Force anime will debut with a two-hour special on the Cartoon Network in August. Viz Media has the North American rights to the Megaman Star Force anime which debuted in Japan (as Ryusei no Rokkuman) last October. Produced by Xebec, the on-going Megaman Star Force anime consists of 40 ten-minute episodes so far. Later this month a sample of the new Megaman Star Force anime will be available for downloading on the Toonami Jetstream online streaming video site.
Capcom plans to release the three Megaman Star Force video games, Pegasus, Leo and Dragon (the Dragon version of the game is a GameStop exclusive), in North America in August. In the games as in the anime, Geo Stelar and his alien partner Omega-Sis, who can merge together via radio wave conversion, battle the invading FM Planet forces.