Virgin Comics and Sci Fi Channel announced The Stranded as their first joint project at San Diego Comic-Con. The Stranded was created and written by Mike Carey, and is expected to release later in the year (see 'Sci Fi Channel Teams Up With Virgin Comics'). Virgin Comics recently named Stuart Moore as editor for the new science fiction line (see 'Stuart Moore to Edit Sci Fi line').
'The fact that we are seeding our new imprint with an original idea from Mike Carey gives me great confidence that this is going to be an awesome collaboration,' said Gotham Chopra, Virgin Comics Chief Creative Officer. 'Further nurturing that idea with the minds of Sci Fi's creative team and having Stuart Moore as editor to guide it makes me believe that we are at the start of a story that many people in comics and beyond will enjoy for a long time.'
The Stranded recounts an epic adventure across two worlds where the Earthbound heroes are unaware of their special abilities or alien roots. The first issue of The Stranded will have dueling covers from Marc Silvestri and Greg Horn.