After receiving multiple reports that the Gamestop chain, which operates under the Gamestop and Electronics Boutique (EB) brands, had begun selling WizKids' new ActionClix set (see 'Halo ActionClix Unveiled at San Diego') before the scheduled street date of September 19th, we contacted WizKids with some questions, to which Executive Vice President Joe Hauck responded.   


We've been hearing that Gamestop and EB broke street date on ActionClix.  Was that something you were aware of?

It was not in the plan for Gamestop or EB to sell product before the release date of September 19th.  We were taken by surprise on Friday, September 14th when we received some e-mails from retailers stating that a Gamestop or EB store in their area was placing and selling product early.  Within the hour we contacted the distributor servicing Gamestop and our understanding is that by the end of the day the buyer for Gamestop had been reached and had sent out an e-mail blast to all of the store managers instructing them to pull the product back or withhold from putting the product out.  I know that the e-mail went out because several industry people called store managers at Gamestop who confirmed that they were given instruction from corporate reminding them that the release date was the 19th and most responded appropriately to the instructions.  To be clear, Gamestop corporate has been very responsive and helpful upon being made aware of the situation.


How did the early release happen?

Frankly, it was due to the fact that it was a new account for us and we did not have full visibility into their processes of how their system works.


Have any steps been taken to prevent it from happening again in the future?

For starters, we now know how, when and to whom we need to communicate our release requirements such that the communication issue that occurred will not be repeated.  We have also gained insight as to how to test their system ahead of time to ensure that the release requirements have been met before shipping the product.  And finally, we now have full visibility into how long it takes for product to move through their internal distribution system such that we can negotiate tighter fulfillment dates to the release date leaving less time for problems to arise.