Shawn DeMumbrum of Spazdog Comics in Phoenix, Arizona saw the comments regarding ActionClix at mass retailers (see 'Richard Newman of Pet Shop Comics on Street Dates') and doesn't view mass as true competition for serious customers:


While in general I was a little miffed that WizKids went with the mass marketers to sell Halo ActionClix (HaloClix), it shouldn't surprise anyone.  I've seen HeroClix at Target at various times in the past and seen very little interest in them.  Instead of blowing off a lot of steam on the Internet, I decided to go to a few stores that could be my competition for the product.  What I found is that the HaloClix are in a small section with the Halo 3 accessories.  In total, there was only a case of the boosters, vehicles and action packs on display.  The boosters were almost gone and the action packs were practically untouched.  The main thing that made me smile was that unlike other discount retailers who sell items at near our cost, WizKids has chosen retailers who have decided or agreed to sell them at SRP.


I know a few kids who have stopped by my shop to buy or ask questions after seeing the HaloClix at other stores.  Many of them are in my store for the first time and didn't have their questions answered by the clerks at those stores.  One GameStop employee told a customer that the four-pack booster only held one figure because it was the only one visible in the package.  I don't think that having Target and GameStop selling these will be a bad thing.   


Halo 3 will lose their endcap shelf space and those interested in picking up the game and playing in tournaments will find their way into our stores.


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