Terry Staats of Eastside Comics in Houston, Texas saw comments by retailer Dave Schwartz on the holiday shipping schedule (see 'Dave Schwartz of Comic Collection on Diamond Holiday Shipping Schedule') and thinks Diamond should share reasons for the changes.


Dave Schwatrz brings up a valid point on the oddity of Diamond's holiday shipping schedule this year.  However, what bothers me about this year's schedule is not so much the delay (although it should trouble me more than it does, I suppose I have somehow adjusted to the death grip UPS holds on parcel shipping), is Diamond's failure to explain the reasons behind the delays.


Are we to just assume it is because of the UPS 'it gets there when it gets there' attitude?  Diamond needs to address this situation and issue a statement, otherwise it reflects poorly on them in the eyes of their customers.


Perhaps it's time for Marvel and DC to step in and use their influence to persuade UPS that every day without a comic is a day without profit?  I suspect, however, that Marvel and DC would rather not have to worry about an improved shipping schedule since then they might have to actually improve their publishing schedules.


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