Michael Boze of  HawgHead Comics in Fort Smith, Arkansas, saw retailer Ilan Strasser's comments about Marvel's new subscription site (see 'Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics on Online Comics'), and agrees that he is likely to lose some customers:


I agree with what Ilan had to say.  Where we will begin to see a drop is in miniseries, one shots and annuals, especially if either DC or Marvel put them out in a prestige format.  Why pay that price for a stiffer cover when in six months the story will be online?  As to miniseries and one shots or annuals is that the stories for the most part do not tie into continuity, so there isn't any rush to read the story. 


I think where the biggest impact will be felt is on the customer who falls behind from time to time due to changing levels in his/her income.  These customers used to come in and try to get caught back up through the back issue bins, which are oftentimes at 50% off, and then buy the current issues off the rack.  Now if they get behind they can just read them online and go from there as well.  We will only see them if the story is so hot that they can't wait and come in to see if we have the rest of the storyline, which we know isn't going to happen very often, since the hot stories are generally sold out pretty quick.  And with this setup from Marvel why reorder after the first few weeks?


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