The Teen Titans animated series, which appeared briefly on the Kids' WB but spent most of its first-run life on the Cartoon Network, is returning to the Kids' WB's top-rated over-the-air Saturday morning lineup on December 1st.  The 65-episode Teen Titans series, which ran from July of 2003 to January of 2006, featured younger teen versions of the original DC superheroes, and took much of its narrative impetus from the classic Wolfman-era sagas The Judas Contract and Terror of Trigon, which made up the bulk of seasons two and four of the animated series.


When the Teen Titans join the Kids' WB lineup, DC will actually have three animated series airing on the CW's Saturday morning slate, which also includes Legion of Superheroes and The Batman. 


In 2004 DC Comics began publishing Teen Titans GO, a comic book series that is about to surpass 50 issues (#52 is solicited for February, 2008).  Teen Titans GO is based directly on the animated series and is targeted to the pre-teen audience that makes up the bulk of the viewers of the Teen Titans cartoon.  At the height of its popularity during 2004-2005 the animated  Teen Titans also spawned a collectible card game as well as several series action figures and toys, all produced by Bandai America, plus popular kid superhero costumes and numerous other examples of tie-in merchandise.