In February IDW Publishing will release the first comic in the five-issue Rogue Angel: Teller of Tall Tales mini-series based on Golden Eagle's bestselling prose novels featuring Annja Creed, a daring archeologist who is the modern heir of Joan of Arc's sword.  Veteran comic book writer Barbara Kesel is writing the Rogue Angel series, which Renae De Liz (Nightmare World) is illustrating.  Rebecca A. Wrigley of Disney Feature Animation is providing the covers, while Tim Bradstreet, who paints the covers for the Rogue Angel prose novel, will furnish a variant cover for Rogue Angel #1.


Golden Eagle is the action/pulp imprint of Harlequin and no hero in the Golden Eagle aviary is more popular than Don Pendelton's The Executioner, who has been dispensing his version of revenge-based justice since in the pages of action-packed pulp novels since 1969.  Douglas Wojtowicz, who has written a number of Mack Bolan (aka The Executioner) novels, is penning the five-issue Don Pendleton's The Executioner: The Devil's Tools mini-series, which debuts in April.  SL Gallant (Marvel Adventures) will provide the interior art with Rebecca A. Wrigley executing the covers.