Variety is reporting that director John Singleton (Boyz N the Hood) is in talks with Twentieth Century Fox to direct a remake of the hit 1980s TV series, The A-Team. According to Variety, Singleton has been 'talking about the casting possibilities all over town,' but production is not imminent -- the studio wants to wait until the potential Screen Actors Guild and Directors' Guild of America strikes, which could happen when the two unions' contracts run out next spring, are settled.
Fox does have a script for the live action A-Team film, which updates the action to the present day and revolves around a group of Iraq War vets who are wanted by the Army for 'a crime they didn't commit.'
The original A-Team TV series spawned a fair amount of merchandise including toys (action figures as well as plastic versions of the team's van and car) and comics (Marvel published a three-issue A-Team series, and Mr. T, who starred in the series as B.A. Baracus, eventually had his own line of comic books).