Diamond and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund announced that nearly 200 retailers responded to the call to action in the January issue of Diamond Previews, raising over $29,000 for the Fund. Four levels of CBLDF membership were offered, with varying premiums that included signed variant copies of RASL #1, window clings, change mats, signed bookplates, and original art.
CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein expressed the Fund's appreciation for the strong show of support. "The direct market retailer is the backbone of the comics industry, and we're heartened to have had so many join the organization," Brownstein said. "Thanks to Diamond and the retailers who have signed up for membership, the CBLDF is in an even stronger position to protect the First Amendment rights of our industry."
A poignant reminder of the risks of comic censorship will arrive next week, when The Ten-Cent Plague, a history of the attacks on comics in the 50s, is released (see "The Ten-Cent Plague Streets Next Week").
For more information on the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, click here.