John Cashman of  Cashman’s Comics in Bay City, Michigan, saw the new about the Secret Invasion/HeroClix cross promotions (see “HeroClix Secret Invasion”) and doesn’t think it is fair to exclude stores like his that already carry both games and comics:


The article says: “WizKids, Marvel, and Diamond/Alliance are collaborating on a cross-promotion to expose customers in stores that carry only games to comics; and to expose customers in stores that carry only comics to HeroClix.”


So in other words my store, Cashman's Comics, won't see anything because I carry both HeroClix and comics, correct?  Here's how it will most likely end up: the limited edition comics will never see the shelf because they will end up on eBay, and the four boosters will be opened and sold the same way, especially if they come out before the street date of Secret Invasion HeroClix.


Why not offer this promotion to all the stores like mine that have supported both HeroClix and comics?  Reward them as well for making both comics and clix the success that they are?


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