Barry Branvold of Barry's Collectors Corner in Grand Forks, North Dakota shares his experience with Free Comic Book Day 2008 (see “National Comics Holiday this Weekend”), and found that the Website was driving traffic to his store.:
I again participated in Free Comic Book Day as I have done since the first one. My May 3 Free Comic Book Day shirt, was again, the right day! This year's sales were for some reason much better than past year’s. I had a small blurb in the local paper but most people said they came to me because of the FCBD Internet site. Many people were new customers. As in past years there were a few customers who thought they could take all they wanted. I usually joke with them, saying it's free comic book day not "Books" day. Many customers from the rural areas called and asked if I was participating in the event. Some called and asked if I carried certain comics that were listed on the web site. I even extended the event to friends in
It was one of my best Saturdays for sales, this year. The comics I have left over I share with schools, libraries and I give them away to many of my regular customers who don't come in on Saturdays but I always see on "New Comic Book Day" and know I will have saved some for them, and many I give away at Halloween.
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