Dave Williams of Captain Blue Hen Comics Newark, Deleware shares his experience with Free Comic Book Day 2008 (see “National Comics Holiday this Weekend”), and says it was “a huge success:”
Free Comic Book Day 2008 was a huge success at Captain Blue Hen Comics.
We had at least 1400 folks come through to get free comics. Most visitors were entire families. We saw lots of kids and many new faces.
May 3rd was a day for fun and for celebrating art. We had eight guest artists who not only signed and did sketches, but took time to host drawing classes and "make your own mask" activities. Those "Chalk Talks" took place at the Newark Art Alliance, our new neighbor and collaborator.
It was also a day for giving: visitors donated toward a local school and for Hero Initiative. We raised hundreds of dollars and collected a bounty of food for our local food bank.
In the words of our owner, Joe Murray: "A lot of lasting memories for kids were made at CBH today and the message ‘Comics are fun’ came through loud and clear. Our thanks to all who came and to all who helped make FCBD08 the best yet."
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