This is a listing of all the great stuff for the store that wins our May Movie Display Contest. The total value is over $2400, and it could all be yours. Here's what you get:
From WizKids, LLC
Complete set of Marvel HeroClix: Infinity Challenge. Value based on suggested retail prices -- approximately $850. But of course, accumulating a complete set is a considerable undertaking. Would make a great display in your store!
Complete set of in-print Star Wars trade paperbacks. This includes 77 different titles, with a total retail value of $1067! Dark Horse trade paperbacks offer retailers a chance to expand sales beyond movie tie-ins to the full Star Wars mythology.
Title Price Classic Star Wars: Early Adventures, The 19.95 Classic Star Wars: In Deadly Pursuit (2 ED) 16.95 Classic Star Wars: Rebel Storm, The 16.95 Classic Star Wars: Escape to Hoth 16.95 Classic Star Wars: Hope/Empire/Return 29.85 Star Wars: A New Hope Manga vol. 1 $9.95 Star Wars: A New Hope Manga vol. 2 $9.95 Star Wars: A New Hope Manga vol. 3 $9.95 Star Wars: A New Hope Manga vol. 4 $9.95 Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition $9.95 Star Wars: Battle of the Bounty Hunters $17.95 Star Wars: Boba Fett-Death, Lies, & Treachery $12.95 Star Wars: Boba Fett-Enemy of the Empire $12.95 Star Wars: Bounty Hunters $12.95 Star Wars: Chewbacca $12.95 Star Wars: Crimson Empire $17.95 Star Wars: Crimson Empire II-Council of Blood $17.95 Star Wars: Dark Empire 2ED $17.95 Star Wars: Dark Empire II $17.95 Star Wars: Dark Force Rising $17.95 Star Wars: Dark Forces-Jedi Knight $14.95 Star Wars: Dark Forces-Rebel Agent $14.95 Star Wars: Dark Forces-Soldier for the Empire $14.95 Star Wars: Darth Maul $12.95 Star Wars: Droids - Kalarba Adventures, The $17.95 Star Wars: Droids - Rebellion $14.95 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The-Manga vol. 1 $9.95 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The-Manga vol. 2 $9.95 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The-Manga vol. 3 $9.95 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The-Manga vol. 4 $9.95 Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The-Special Edition $9.95 Star Wars: Empire's End $5.95 Star Wars: Episode 1 Adventures $12.95 Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace $12.95 Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace Manga vol. 1 $9.95 Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace Manga vol. 2 $9.95 Star Wars: Episode II $17.95 Star Wars: Heir to the Empire $19.95 Star Wars: Infinities-A New Hope $12.95 Star Wars: Jabba the Hutt -- The Art of the Deal $9.95 Star Wars: Jango Fett $5.95 Star Wars: Jedi Academy -- Leviathan $11.95 Star Wars: Jedi Council-Acts of War $12.95 Star Wars: Jedi Council-Emmisaries to Malistare $15.95 Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith $15.95 Star Wars: Last Command, The $17.95 Star Wars: Mara Jade -- By the Emperor's Hand $15.95 Star Wars: Outlander $14.95 Star Wars: Prelude to Rebellion $14.95 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Manga vol. 1 $9.95 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Manga vol. 2 $9.95 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Manga vol. 3 $9.95 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Manga vol. 4 $9.95 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi-Special Edition $9.95 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire $17.95 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire-Evolution $14.95 Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye $14.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Dark Lords of the Sith $17.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Fall of the Sith Empire, The $14.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Golden Age of the Sith, The $16.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Knights of the Old Republic $14.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Redemption $14.95 Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi -- Sith War, The $17.95 Star Wars: Tales vol. 1 $19.95 Star Wars: Twilight $12.95 Star Wars: Underworld $14.95 Star Wars: Union $12.95 Star Wars: Vader's Quest $11.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Battleground: Tatooine $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Blood & Honor $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-In the Empire's Service $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Mandatory Retirement $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Masquerade $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Phantom Affair, The $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Requiem for a Rogue $12.95 Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron-Warrior Princess, The $12.95 Star Wars: Zam Wesell $5.95
From Topps
Two uncut sheets -- Spider-Man Movie Cards. Retail value approximately $100.
Two uncut sheets -- Star Wars: Episode II Cards. Retail value approximately $100.
Four boxes of Spider-Man Movie Cards, each containing 24 packs of cards with an MSRP of $1.99.
Two boxes of Star Wars: Episode II Movie Cards, each containing 36 packs of cards with an MSRP of $1.99.
From Ballantine Books
One each of Ballantine's top Spider-Man and Star Wars releases:
Spider-Man Movie Novelization by Peter David @$6.99 retail.
Art of Star Wars: Episode II @ $35.00 retail.
Star Wars: Episode II Hardcover by R.A. Salvatore @ $26.00 retail.
From ICv2
Three ICv2 t-shirts.
Three ICv2 mousepads.
For the list of what you can get in the Second Prize in the May Movie Display Contest, worth over $1000 retail, see 'Second Prize -- May Movie Display Contest.'
For the list of what you can get in the Third Prize in the May Movie Display Contest, worth over $600 retail, see 'Third Prize -- May Movie Display Contest.'
For an overview of the May Movie Moolah promotion and links to enter contests for free merchandise, and to request a free Mavel HeroClix Tournament Kit, see 'Retailers -- May Movie Moolah!'