The Cartoon Network has announced that it has acquired the rights to three comic book properties Mice Templar, Firebreathers, and The Vanishers. The CN plans on producing animated feature films based on Michael Avon Oeming and Bryan Glass’ Mice Templar and Phil Hester’s Firebreathers, both of which are published by Image Comics. In spite of its name and primary focus, the Cartoon Network doesn’t want to be confined to animation--it plans on creating a live action film out of Chuck Dixon’s The Vanishers, which is published by IDW.
Mice Templar, part of what appears to be a growing wave of medieval rodent sagas, is the chronicle of a young mouse warrior named Karic who reunites the long disbanded order of the Mice Templar in order to protect his village.
Phil Hester’s Firebreathers is a fantasy of a different sort, the kind that features humans interacting with mythological creatures. It’s the story of an awkward teenager whose father is a firebreathing dragon.
The Vanishers is a time-traveling science fiction saga that centers on two fifth graders who set off on an inter-dimensional journey to thwart the efforts of a group of villains who want to take control of time and enslave humanity.