Chad Spano of Comic Lair in Trenton, New Jersey saw retailer comments about shipping comics a day earlier (see “Noah Broessel of Pop Culture Paradise on Weekly Delivery Schedule” and “Dan Barnett of Walt's Cards on One Day Earlier”) and says there are already some stores that receive shipments on Tuesdays:
New books shipped a day early would make life easier in the shop on Wednesdays. The problem is Diamond does not want to police or make rules for violators, and they don't see this as growing the industry in a positive way for them.
Also Dan, there are stores who get books on Tuesday due to their order size or a chain shop. So where is the fairness in this? I had a store in my area that got books on Tuesday and sold them also on Tuesday. Diamond refused to do anything after multiple (four or five) times I sent scans and my receipts of the purchases. I had to go above their head by contacting DC Comics about the situation to make things get taken care of.
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