Jeff Peters of Commuter Comics in South Orange, New Jersey saw recent retailer comments on retailers selling copies of All Star Batman and Robin #10 on eBay (see “Kirby Tardy of Tardy's Collectors Corner on 'All Star Batman & Robin' #10”) and suggests a punishment:


While the ASBR #10 debacle has exposed all sorts of ugly issues and trends in the industry from editorial to distribution, the solution to the violation problem seems simple.


Any retailer who violated the destroy edict from Diamond and DC for copies received of All Star Batman and Robin #10 (especially those sales that can be proven conclusively by listings on eBay or on their private sites) should no longer receive their shipments on Tuesday.  They would now be relegated to Wednesday shipments.


As a small store owner who doesn't spend enough or have enough locations to receive Tuesday shipments, I feel this is the only fair way to approach the problem.  If a retailer is not going to abide by the rules for all of us, then they should no longer receive special privileges.


To have no punishment at all simply allows the wealthiest few in the industry to get wealthier with no consequences for their actions.  A failure to do anything would represent one of the worst aspects of this business.  No industry can long survive that is based solely on greed.  We forget the lessons of the 1990s at our own peril!


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