DC Comics has announced that it will cease publishing graphic novels under its Minx imprint as of January. The imprint had a roughly two year run (here’s DC SVP Karen Berger on the initial announcement, see “DC SVP Karen Berger on Minx”), during which its titles never reached the sales velocity they needed to survive. The goal was to create graphic novels for girls, but they never connected with that audience in sufficient numbers. Surprisingly, Minx titles seemed to do better in the direct market, where the audience is presumed to be primarily (although not exclusively) male, than they did in bookstores, where manga sales have demonstrated a significant teen girl clientele.
DC said of the shuttering, “Minx was an experimental imprint for DC Comics and we are extremely proud of the books we published and the stories we told during the past two years. We thank all of the writers and artists who lent their talents to our endeavor and especially thank readers who came along for the ride. DC Comics remains committed to publishing diverse material for diverse audiences as we continue to welcome new readers.”