Stone Arch Books has reached an agreement with DC Comics under which Stone Arch, during the next two years, will publish a series of 48 full color “chapter books” based on DC superhero characters. The first 12 DC Super Heroes Books are available now. The 56-page chapter books feature a page of text opposite a full page illustration and also include a “backmatter” section, which discusses the characters involved in the stories.
The reading level of the Stone Arch DC titles is grades 2-3, while the interest level is grades 3-6, which makes these volumes perfect for the “reluctant” reader. The books are available in hardcover editions for schools and libraries for $18.99, and in a paperback format for the general public ($5.95).
The first twelve Stone
Stone Arch is sponsoring a contest for elementary school children who have to submit an essay or story about a “heroic” person at their school. The winner of the contest, which is open to all kids grades 3-6 enrolled in public or private schools, will have their hero and their school included in an upcoming Stone Arch DC story. The deadline for entries is February 28th.