Paramount has allowed its option to produce a film based on Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Andreyko’s Image title
Torso to lapse, according to
Hollywood Reporter. The film was to be directed by David Fincher, whose
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button received 13 Oscar nominations today (see “
Studio Dithers over Torso”).
A screenplay by Ehren Kruger was done, and Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, and Rachel McAdams were attached to star.
Paramount still owns the script, but has to either acquire the film rights outright, or strike a new option agreement with the creators, according to the report.
Given Fincher’s newly found higher profile, and his desire to direct the film, it seems likely that it will end up somewhere, if not at Paramount. But it’s a sign of conservatism in Hollywood when a top director’s next project is allowed to pass into limbo over the cost of acquiring script rights.