Our article on the book excerpt with Marvel COO Bill Jemas' latest (see 'Comic Wars Heating Up') brought this response from Bill Eckman of Classic Cards & Comics in Castle Rock, Colorado.  He headed his comment, 'Bill Jemas Just Loves To Piss Off The Small Retailer.'



I just read your article about Comic Wars Heating up and once again Bill Jemas has firmly inserted his foot in his mouth.


Your article stated that:

'In a rambling 'Forward' (sic), Marvel CEO Bill Jemas takes shots at 'small' retailers with 'dirty, messy, and confusing' stores (according to Jemas, these are the retailers who don't understand and appreciate Marvel's policies),...'


I am a small retailer.  I don't have a dirty, messy or confusing store, either of them.  I am here in the 'real-world' of retail, not the 'fantasy-land' of Bill Jemas' imagination.  I don't appreciate Marvel's policies, especially on reprints, but I certainly understand that policy has forced us small retailers to choose between over-ordering a title (which is good for Marvel) or not being able to meet demand (which is not good for me or for Marvel).


Being a small retailer is a balancing act.  If I over order a title, I generally end up losing money.  If I under order, I can't always satisfy my customers or, more importantly, potential customers and if this goes on for long, I generally end up losing money.  If I lose money consistently, I won't be in business any longer.  If I'm not in business, then I can't sell Marvel products.  If I don't sell their products, then they lose money.

Maybe I don't understand the corporate world Jemas lives in, but I certainly understand supply, demand and that expanding my market means increased revenue for me and for Marvel.


Maybe Bill Jemas should stop taking shots at the retailers that are keeping Marvel Comics in business and concentrate on helping us expand the marketplace for his products.