Mike Boze of Hawghead Comics in Fort Smith, Arizona writes in to vent a little regarding Marvel Comics recent price increases on select titles:

I would like to vent a little since yesterday I spent the day closing out a couple files over the increase in Marvel titles to $3.99.

One customer in fact was one of my largest and most steady.  He became truly fond of the "mega" events and would purchase every tie-in to House of M to Secret Invasion and was doing the same to Dark Reign until the first week when he was hit with numerous books at $3.99.  Now, this customer not only purchased every tie-in to a series but on certain titles like New Avengers and Mighty Avengers, he would purchase two copies because the way his filing system works he needed a copy in New Avengers and also in his Secret Invasion box.  I know this is an extreme example but he was so upset over the increase in price, especially since Marvel just released it's earnings, that he cancelled 90% of what he is getting and will probably end it all from the way he spoke.

I also feel that he is not the last customer to do this since most express a great dislike over the increase on titles that should not be increased.  One person even asked what happened to the small increment increase like back in the day when it went from $1.00 to $1.25 to $1.50 and etc.

Once again, I say, "Job well done Marvel, why worry about the retailers when you are making millions at the box office."

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