Jim Crocker of Modern Myths, LLC in Northampton, MA writes in to comment on the recent article (see "'Archie' Nuptials All the Rage") regarding Archie's upcoming proposal:

In the 'Archie Nuptials' piece, you asked: "The question is how many of these savvy media commentators are aware enough of the vicissitudes and "what if" subterfuges of comic book-style serial storytelling to realize that All-American boy Archie might not end up with the snobbish brunette for ever and ever?"

Well, I can say that Rachel Maddow's being hip to it comes from a genuine long-time interest in comics.  She's been a comics fan for many years (she mentioned her love of comics last year in a magazine personality piece when asked what "people don't expect when they meet you"), and she's even been known to show up at our store now and then to pick up a stack of GNs (she got her start in local radio around here).  We're talking about someone here who dropped a Dr. Manhattan reference into her interview with Nancy Pelosi last year.

So while I can't speak to Mr. Murdoch's comics credentials (though he does "own" The Simpsons, so that's something), I can say that Ms. Maddow is probably the nation's most qualified mass-media journalist to cover this story in all its skirt-chasing, gold-digging, Bride-zilla glory.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.