Bluewater has announced its September titles, which include a Female Force graphic novel, a new Oprah issue, and the launch of the revived Tom Corbett: Space Cadet.  TCSC, which was on TV for nearly five years in the early 50s and inspired novels, comics, and a variety of other merchandise, tells the story of Corbett, Roger Manning and Astro, who attend Space Academy together. 


TCSC will be written by Bill Spangler, with art by John DaCosta.  The first issue will carry two covers, one by DaCosta and one by Chris Colhbert.    


September also marks the release of the first Female Force trade paperback collection, which will include the widely publicized issues on Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Michelle Obama, and Caroline Kennedy.  The cover will feature all four political figures.


And Bluewater takes on another high profile subject with its Female Force: Oprah #1, its biography of talkshow superstar Oprah Winfrey, written by Aaron Stueve with art by Phibbz.