It’s Mobile Monday, and ICv2 has updated its list of the comics available to mobile devices (see “Mobile Comics Directory—Update #3”). The biggest addition is the IDW Transformers comics, which were published as apps in June. IDW’s Transfomers iPhone apps make up nine of the top twenty bestsellers in the iTunes book app category as of Sunday. This isn’t new; all twelve of the movie-related comics have been Top 25 since their launch. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie Prequel: Alliance #1 is currently ranked #2 among all book apps.
Three IDW Transformers miniseries are available as apps: Alliance, Defiance, and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation.
We’ve added our first Kindle title: Digital Manga Publishing’s Vampire Hunter D.
Robot Comics has added a Cory Doctorow title from IDW.
And Dabel Brothers is making The Warriors available.