Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics in Whippany, New Jersey read his own comment (see 'Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose On Working Together') and had to respond!  Here's what he really thinks about retailer organizations.


I just read what I wrote yesterday and realized I might have offended some very good, very hard-working people.  When I said that all that came out of groups like ERCBRA and PACER were small conclaves of retailers banding together, I made it sound as if such a thing was not worthwhile.  That is not what I meant to convey.  What I meant to say was that not much more than local or regional get-togethers happened as a result of those efforts and that in spite of the good efforts of those local groups, it did not help to bring about a national organization that all comic retailers could belong to.


Such an organization could provide not only group buying benefits and a united voice with which to attempt to force publishers and distributors into treating us as partners; it could also provide opportunities for group medical, dental and life insurance.  A good friend of mine, Preston Sweet, had to close his shop in Athens, Georgia primarily because he could not afford to purchase his own insurance!!


Anyway, my apologies if anyone was offended -- good day to all!!!!!