Paramount is refusing to screen G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra for most critics in advance of release, which probably doesn’t mean that they think reviews will be good. At this point Rotten Tomatoes has G.I. Joe at 91% positive, but it’s based on a very limited 11 reviews (10 positive) from a carefully selected set of reviewers that were allowed to see the picture. Other reveiwers will have to wait to see the film until opening day.
One wonders why Paramount execs think that bad reviews would matter. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, also tied to a Hasbro toy line, is rated 20% positive by Rotten Tomatoes (that’s 20% of reviews are positive) and as of yesterday was at $389 million domestic, $811 million worldwide total box office receipts. Do they think that G.I. Joe will end up with less than 20% positive reviews, and that will turn the tide against it?
G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra opens this Friday with a wide range of merchandise associated with it, including comics and toys, and a heavy marketing campaign supporting it.