Bluewater Productions has announced an agreement with Roopster Roux creator, Lavaille Levette, to create a series of graphic novels based on the adventures of the sports-loving rooster. Steve Harvey, one of the original Kings of Comedy, who is the face and narrator of the Rooster Roux children’s books and tapes, will serve as the on-page narrator for the Bluewater graphic novel version, which is slated to debut in 2010.
Ryan Burton (Flying Saucers vs. the Earth) will be writing the Roopster Roux graphic novel, which will feature art by Erik Thompson (Steve Lawlis & Atlas).
Like the Roopster Roux book series, which is known for its positive educational message and has sold over half a million units, the Roopster Roux graphic novel will target the 6-12 year-old demographic. The series has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and 18 major