Release Date: 10/28/2009
Cover Pice: $2.99
Writer: Joshua Ortega
Penciller/Inker: Mel Rubi
Covers: Lucio Parillo (50%), Mel Rubi (25%), Jackson Herbert (25%)
Colorist: Vinicius Andrade
Rating: Teen+
"Know also, O prince, that in the selfsame days that the Cimmerian did stalk the Hyborian Kingdoms, one of the few swords worthy to cross with his was that of Red Sonja, warrior-woman out of majestic Hyrkania. Forced to flee her homeland because she spurned the advances of a king and slew him instead, she rode west across the Turanian steppes and into the shadowed mists of legendry."
-- The Nemedian Chronicles
RED SONJA LIVES! Dynamite Entertainment presents a bold new direction for the mother of all warriors, Red Sonja! Under the direction of writer Joshua (Death Dealer) Ortega, Queen Sonja #1 also features the return of artist Mel Rubi!
Sonja finds herself with more than she bargained for as she takes the throne of her homelands! This first issue also features bonus pages of Red Sonja material! 48-pages for $2.99!
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