Michael Churchill of Pulp Nouveau Comix in Canandaigua, New York in Canandaigua, New York read the Rich Biedrzycki's recent comments regarding the upcoming The Flash and Green Lantern promotions (see "Rich Biedrzycki of Dreamland Comics on Promotion Minimums") and had this to say:
With all due respect, Mr. Biedrzycki's comments are way off base. The county his store is located in has a population of nearly 5.3 million people; he's a bit over 30 minutes from Chicago which has a population of
almost 2.9 million people (and the Chicago Metro area has just over 9.1 million people). My store is located in a county with just shy of 105,000 people. If you include the populations of all the counties that neighbor mine, we have a total population of under 1.2 million. The largest city closest to my store has a population of under 220,000 people.
When Rich says, "Come on Marvel and DC stop rewarding people who can't sell your books and start rewarding those retailers that can!," it's a ludicrous assertion given the vast differences in the demographics of our respective locations. If I had access to 7.5 times the potential customers, I'd have no problem at all in meeting the minimums he'd like (another factor I don't know if he's considered is that a large part of my store's revenue stream comes from selling comics and graphic novels that don't involve people who put their underwear on over their pants).
If publishers heeded Biedrzycki's plea, all that would be accomplished is punishing fans who live in smaller communities.
Nice guy.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.
'Way Off Base'
Posted by ICv2 on February 17, 2010 @ 11:00 pm CT