Dave Brzeski of The House on the Borderland in Peterborough, United Kingdom read the recent article announcing yet another new Avengers title (see "Marvel Preps 4th 'Avengers' Title") and had this to say:

Good grief!  When will this insane market flooding by the big two comics publishers end?  The best news I'd heard for ages was that Marvel were going to cancel all of their Avengers books and launch a new one titled simply, "The Avengers."

Of course I knew it couldn't really last.  I knew they weren't about to do the same for the X-Men, Spider-Man, etc. and reduce their line to something more managable.  Something that we have enough shelf space to cope with.  Something the customer base can afford to keep up with...

But no... They're still hell bent on dividing the limited disposable funds of our customers between countless titles the market simply can't support.

No doubt all these new titles will have retailer incentive variants that we won't bother to order until Diamond realizes that they still have heaps left and offers them on sale.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.