In June Marvel is publishing Marvelman Classic Primer, a commemorative one-shot featuring interviews with various creators who worked on Marvelman over the years including Neal Gaiman and Mick Anglo, who created the character back in 1954.  In addition to this interview material there will be all-new pin-ups of the character by Mike Perkins, Doug Braithwaite, Miguel Angel Sepulveda, Jae Lee, Khoi Pham, and Ben Oliver.


Anglo Cover
Marvelman Classic Primer #1, which will have a cover price of $3.99, will have two covers, one featuring classic Marvelman art by Mick Anglo, and another by Marvel EIC Joe Quesada.


In July Marvel will debut publishing Marvelman Family Finest #1, an on-going series reprinting Marvelman’s greatest adventures, material never published in the U.S. before.  Marvel also plans to reprint the earliest Marvelman adventures chronologically in collections starting with the Marvelman Classic Vol.1 Premiere Hardcover.