Fox has acquired the rights to Incognito, a six-issue series written by Ed Brubaker, illustrated by Sean Phillips, and published under Marvel’s creator-owned Icon imprint.  Robert Schenkkan, the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of the Kentucky Cycle, is adapting the sophisticated saga, which blends the superhero, pulp, and film noir genres.  According to Variety Peter Chernin will produce the film for Chernin Entertainment.


Zack Overkill, the “hero” of Incognito is a ruthless villain with superpowers, who, after he is captured, rats out his even more powerful and more villainous boss.  He is then placed in a witness protection program and given drugs that eliminate his superpowers.  Brubaker has said that his inspiration for Incognito was to create a story that was the opposite of the by now familiar saga of a good guy who goes undercover and is corrupted.  Living among ordinary people, Zack begins to develop a conscience, and when he starts to recover his powers, he begins to try to help people, but things get complicated when the boss he betrayed finds out that he is alive.


The six-issue Incognito mini-series was published in 144-page graphic novel collection in November of 2009.