Classic Bible Stories, Vol. 1: Jesus—The Road of Courage and Mark—The Youngest Disciple
Publisher: Titan Books
Release date: April 2010
Price: $19.95
Creators: Mark Morris, Chad Varah, authors; Frank Hampson and Giorgio Bellavitas, illustrators
Format: 96 pgs; HC; full color
ISBN: 978-1-84856-525-8
Age rating: All ages
ICv2 rating: 2 stars out of 5
Marcus Morris was editor of a British boys’ comic Eagle which ran from 1950 to 1994. Among the Eagle’s stories were retellings of classic bible tales, a mission which fit with Morris’ former career as a vicar. Two of those tales have been rereleased in this volume: the stories of Jesus and of Mark, the author of the second book of the New Testament. Morris was the author of Jesus’ biography, with Dan Dare creator Frank Hampson doing the art. Chad Varah, also an ordained minister, penned Mark’s tale with art by Giorgio Bellavitis.
The stories are full-page strips which focus more on action than biblical accuracy. Readers looking for a word-for-word reenactment of biblical scenes will be disappointed by the choppiness of Mark’s tale and of the addition of elements into Jesus’--such as the elevation of Barabbas to a recurring figure in Jesus’ life. There is also a lot of evidence of the creators’ British roots, both in dialogue and in appearances, especially on the part Jesus, who is looks like a young, blond King Arthur. However these tales are still invigorating even today.
Churches and Christian schools might consider these classic comics for their libraries.
--Snow Wildsmith: Writer and former teen librarian and ALA/YALSA committee member.