Kirby & Deb Tardy of Tardy's Collectors Corner in Grand Rapids, Michigan read the recent article regarding Diamond's "Day Early Delivery" survey (see "Diamond Surveys Tuesday Comics") and had this to say:

Absolutely keep Wednesday as new comic day.  I am all for getting comics on Tuesday in order to relieve some pressure but please don't change anything else!  Many of us use Monday as a day off and our customers are well attuned to Wednesday as their day.

Has anyone seen the ads?  The "Finally Wednesday" is a great ad copy line.  Why waste this effort?  One question: how can Diamond service all the stores on Monday but not Tuesday?  I don't understand the logic there.  Also, if do we get comics one day early then I will gain two hours of sleep a week since I'll no longer have to drive to the UPS terminal and pick-up my comics.  I'll actually be getting the delivery service I pay for!

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