Andy Wood of GamersCircle Comics in Folsom, California has been following the recent discussions regarding Diamond's "Day Early Delivery" survey (see "Diamond Surveys Tuesday Comics") and had this to say:

I have read all of the concerns that have been published in regards to Diamond's "Day Early Delivery" survey.  Back in the day when there was more than just one source where you could get your comics, new comic book day was on a Friday and this competed with new movie day at the theater and the weekend.  I would have to lean towards keeping new comic book day in the middle of the week though.

Whether the survey leans towards receiving comics a day early (Tuesday for on-sale Wednesday, or Monday for on-sale Tuesday), getting the comics early so that there will be less stress on the staff and allowing for more time to focus on other aspects of the business, I am all for it.

In regards to paying for a mystery shopper service to check up on us retailers; I don't think that is needed, as it has been shown time and time again--those that don't play by the rules, always get caught.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of