Dan Urazandi of Bizarro World in Davis, California has been following the Talk Back discussion regarding Diamond's "Day Early Delivery" survey (see "Diamond Surveys Tuesday Comics") and shares his thoughts on the subject:
Tuesday delivery is the simplest solution for my shop and probably the industry. It would impact customers the least while providing the most solutions for retailers. It is tested and would be easily reversible should it go wrong somehow. The problem with Wednesday shipping is customers waiting in my shop for UPS or worse, leaving because I don't have comics at or sometimes even close to opening. If I had comics on Tuesday I could unpack, pull saves, even read a few comics and shelve them for Wednesday, thus being prepared to sell and recommend issues at open on the on sale date. The largest Diamond accounts already have this advantage.
I don't order DVDs through Diamond, but those could be given a Tuesday sale date this way. The important thing is that this method allows us to be competitive and provide proper service to our customers without asking those customers to change their routines. It has been working for the big Diamond accounts for years, and as far as I know there has been no outside or internal policing of them in that time so I don't really see the importance or necessity of it. What we need is a fair and efficient system that allows maximum customer service and retailer profits. I am glad that this came up as the current system is flawed, but an extreme change, like moving new comic day, does not seem necessary.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.
'Tuesday Delivery.. Simplest Solution'
Posted by ICv2 on June 9, 2010 @ 12:02 am CT