After a two-year hiatus resulting from a number of family issues, Dork Tower creator John Kovalic has announced that he is planning to return to creating (and perhaps publishing) Dork Tower and Dr. Blink comic books. Kovalic is currently in the midst of “banging out the 20-page finale of The Tao of Igor," which may or may not be released as a stand-alone comic ( the long awaited Dork Tower #37), but, which will be printed as part of the 10th Dork Tower collection, aptly titled The Tao of Igor, which will be out in the Spring of 2011.
Kovalic is also resoliciting (via game and comic book distributors) the nine
Going forward Kovalic plans to release a 4 or 5-issue mini-series annually for both
Kovalic has sold over 75,000 copies of the various Dork Tower collections and a half-million issues of the Dork Tower comic book (counting promo issues), so there is little doubt that there is still plenty of interest in his humorous tales about the band of geeks who hang out at Pegasaurus Games in Mud Bay, Wisconsin.